Saturday 25 July 2015

Test Results: A Mixed Bag

Dr. Hugh Tildesley
So how am I doing? Weight hit 159 pounds, my goal is 160, so up nicely and on the right track. Albumin increased by 10%, another positive sign. The CT compared to baseline is a mixed bag. The primary pancreatic tumour has not changed since April. The multiple small tumours in the liver have dissipated significantly; the more problematic larger tumour in the liver has grown slightly. This is a mixed response; the good news is how I feel and my weight gain.
 I still await the complete genetic testing to see if the treatment can be more focused, in the meantime we will persevere with the current poisons.

July 24 was Donovan’s 31st birthday, a relatively small gathering of family and friends, with a great collection of reminiscing and good humour. He is still working out swimming 3-4 times per week but not with the intensity of Paralympic preparation. Like many 30 year olds central weight is creeping up (he comes by it honestly), one of his presents was a spin class and hooking up with his old trainer Yves. I am confident this should help to limit his personal clothing costs.

I am using “looking forward to stuff” as a motivator. Donovan’s birthday was one such event, Hamish’s in late August another, Deborah’s and mine in September, a Family celebration at Thanksgiving and of course Catherine’s birthday in early November.

Another decision regards the Canadian Seniors Golf Tournament in Toronto next month. There is no reason for me not to go (except my golf game), so Deb and I will combine the tournament with touching base with the Kent clan and my brother Dave. Again, something to look forward to.

The more immediate “ next “ event is the expected arrival of the Tesla in a few days. I am busy learning as much as I can as to how operate this computerized gem. My adventures may make up a complete future blog!

Rhea when in better health
The animals have sensed household changes. Unfortunately mother cat, Rhea passed away last month. She was 13 and died of natural causes with Catherine comforting her through her final hours. Avril the daughter cat has been more talkative since Rhea’s departure and she has taken her mother’s place as Ginn’s soul mate. I am rather insensitive but I did not detect any grieving by Avril over the loss of her mother.

Innocent: No panties in sight
Ginn has regressed with these added household stresses. Soon after Rhea’s death she systematically went on panty raids. This of course does not affect me directly (I have resisted the Jenner model of dressing), Deborah has been quite inconvenienced, and Catherine is now receiving weekly shipments of replacement underwear. Fortunately no Vet bills for Ginn and more careful storage of clothing has essentially eliminated the problem.
New best friends: Ginn and Avril

This week’s Rant: For a change Translink.

The latest: the Board (unelected, and seemingly rudderless) put an advert in for a new CEO. Starting salary $360 K, parking at 2K per year, health benefits, and of course guaranteed severance package. This group of yahoos continues to flaunt the public’s wishes for fiscal responsibility and accountability. They do so at their peril.

Some recommendations on summer reading:

“How Not to be Wrong, The power of mathematical thinking “, by Jordan Ellenberg.

Do not be scared by the “mathematical”, it is basically logic. With the upcoming Federal election the book should serve as a tool to cut through the drivel and cacophony that emanates from the talking heads on TV.

For one of my early 2016 Oscar picks for best documentary, Amy.

For one of my early 2016 Oscar picks for best actor, Ian McKellen, in Mr. Holmes.

Until next week......

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