Saturday 5 September 2015

Labour Day and Family Time

Dr. Hugh Tildesley

How am I doing? Weight is consistently above 160 pounds, energy level about 90 %, blood more or less stable, however a drop in the red cell count continues, albeit at a slow rate. My mild anemia is unlikely to be causing any symptoms. I have learned to manage the first week after the poison infusions and am thus more confident in what I can and cannot do.

The steroids associated with minimizing the side effects of the infusion shoot my sugars up and I am using insulin aggressively to control my levels. Steroids create significant insulin resistance thus I have needed up to 150 units daily in the first few days post infusion, which tappers to about 30 units a day as the steroids clear. To put this in perspective you normal folks out there your body uses approximately 24 units of insulin a day.

High glucose levels are my enemy. The tumour takes up glucose avidly and does not require insulin to do so. It follows therefore that if my glucose levels are allowed to rise too high, I am just feeding the tumour; you lose marks for that strategy. I am contemplating writing a paper on this stuff as it is not in the mainstream diabetes literature, and the cancer guys appear to be more interested in the latest poisons than glucose uptake by pancreatic tumours.

Hamish returned from LA on Tuesday, Catherine from Edmonton the following day. Great to have them home and to feel their support. As Yogi Berra said: “ 90% of this game is 50% mental.”

Dr. Oliver Sacks

The arts report: Oliver Sacks passed away, having just finished his biography and read many of his books, the world has lost a uniquely talented individual.

Michael Lewis: The Big Short a wonderful explanation of the etiology of the crash of 2008. A little anxiety provoking in these unsettled times. A reminder that investing still involves gambling.. like it or not.

Chris Farley
I am Chris Farley: A documentary on this SNL icon. A touching portrayal and we were lucky enough to see it at the Rio and director Brent Hodge and his brother Kevin Farley took questions, a movie worth seeing but Amy will win the Academy Award for best film in this class.

Tesla Titillations: Another internet download this week, updating my blind spot warning and making trip planning seamless with the Tesla power stations.

On Wednesday’s men’s night we were on the second tee and the back shop guy was confused where to put the tee marker, I suggested a quick call to the pro shop for clarification. The conversation his end started: “ I am with Dr. Tesla’s group and was……..”. Classic. I do not mind his mispronunciation of my name.

Meanwhile at the Cancer Agency this week my name was: 


The drought is over and one would expect that this would unleash unbridled celebration. Au contraire, events since the rains had led to further rantage!

Vancouver has just finished a record drought and appropriately, officials demonstrated caution if not prudence in introducing water restrictions. The impetus was: reservoir levels falling below “acceptable” levels:
If the red line continued the reservoir would be almost depleted by November 1
 The restrictions introduced in July effectively decreased consumption.

The rains came and the reservoirs were replenished to 2014 levels for this time of the year.

Why on earth continue water restrictions? Is there evidence we will deplete levels? Not really, but even if we did, restrictions could be re-introduced.

A reading of How not to be Wrong The Power of Mathematical thinking by Jordan Ellenberg would give them ample guidance.

Who suffers? The cleaning guys who make their income by power washing windows and buildings.They make the majority of their money in the summer, the policy suspended their ability to make a living.

I suspect the ban will be lifted when our hard working city employees return from their 6-week vacations.

Not to be totally negative, the data put out by the city on a daily basis is very helpful and my emails to them were promptly returned, but these are the guys who collect the data and do not make the decisions.

Until next time


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