Saturday 23 January 2016

Trends Positive

Dr. Hugh Tildesley
Status Update: The complete blood work from last week is in and more positive than expected.

The Good: The upward trend of the Alk Phos (a liver test) has dropped and approaching the averages seen over the last 7 months, thus going in the right direction. The tumour marker did the same and is at or below the average values taken over the same time span. The AST (another liver test) dropped similarly.

Weight has hit 171 pounds; I’ve stopped calorie counting for the time being but am still obsessive re glucose, testing 4-10 times daily and on at least 6 injections daily. Insulin doses are falling by 10% a sign of less insulin resistance (? less inflammation).

I just finished another round of the poisons, minimal side effects and energy levels about 90 %

Mentally the trip to LA was very positive, mainly due to a change in routine, family support and proving we could do it. I admit there was relief to returning home with no medical bills!

The Bad: No formal CT report as yet, however my worries have somewhat abated given the lab results.

The Ugly: nada

Chan Dinner: L to R;Greg Bridges,Pope,Slugger,HT,Aydin,Gorgeous,Joseph Chan (the rattler)

We have defervesced from Christmas and are now able to pace social engagements more strategically. This past Wednesday Joseph Chan a TWA (Tildesley wine account) member arranged for a fantastic Chinese dinner at Dynasty restaurant. The dishes just kept coming! (Lobster, chicken, fish, tofu, vegetable fry, brisket, etc.) We supplied the wine with excellent choices as the meal started with the Greg Bridges’ magnum of champagne. Aydin wins the economy prize with this pick, which is under $30.00 but has a taste rivaling a $60.00 wine.

Hockey fans may remember the definition of a Gordie Howe hat trick: 1 goal, 1 assist, and 1 fight.

At dinner I had the HT hat trick: elbowed to the front of the line at the restaurant, elbow greeted all the guests at our table and elbowed a glass of wine to the floor as I expertly grabbed a pot of tea from the revolving table. (Just missed slugger!)

Tesla Titillations: This week I received another update. My dash now shows not only the car directly in front of me but others in front in adjacent lanes.

Perpendicular parking has been enabled but I have yet to get it to function. I do not really need it but I will persist in learning to adapt to it.

Although advertised that the car no longer follows other vehicles onto off ramps, today the beast followed the car in front of me rather than proceeding straight. Vigilance remains paramount.

The Arts report:

Boom: Now playing at the Granville Island venue. Rick Miller is an extremely talented performer who wrote this multi media one-man show tracing 1945-1969, using a documentary style, and impersonating over 100 characters. As a boomer I reflect on the 60’s and truly wonder at how we survived given the dramatic social changes we experienced. Oh to be young and adaptable.

Vancouverites should go and see it!

The Martian: Talk about hype. We saw it on pay for TV; glad I did not go to the theatre although it was on the list. There were parts that made me understand why it was in the comedy category of the Globe awards. Another example of the power of marketing.

What the Dog Saw: Malcolm Gladwell

A prolific and clear writer. I Remain a fan as he does thorough research, is a contrarian, and in the end gives an opinion on a topic that is defended with facts, not here say.

In this collection of essays his analysis studies the utility of mammography by actually spending time with
a radiologist and learning the vagaries of interpretations. He goes through the same exercise analyzing prostate cancer. He investigates plagiarism in the arts, the cost of homelessness (you will be glad to know that the observations recently reported in the Vancouver press about a small minority of the homeless costing disproportionately compared to the majority of homeless has been reported repeatedly in numerous cities, the problem inescapably is public policy. The inertia is wide spread. I highly recommend this book.

As the Dylan song says. “ you gotta serve somebody”. My uncompromising editors comment on error, real or perceived.

Until next time….

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